There's nothing more inviting than a sizzling hot pizza fresh out of the oven, covered with bubbling golden brown mozzarella! And since the mozzarella such an important ingredient on pizza it's best to use good-quality cheese. It's better to use a little bit of good-quality cheese than a lot of a cheaper variety.
Traditionally the best Italian mozzarella is made from buffalo milk, Mozzarella de Bufala in Italian. Unlike most store bought mozzarella, this comes in a soft white ball - smaller balls of mozzarella called bocconcini are often sold in tubs of water or brine. Fresh mozzarella can be safely stored in brine about a week or can be frozen if you are in a hurry.
Making your own mozzarella is surprisingly easy and fun. You might not have a buffalo down the street, but milk from a supermarket will do just fine to this as long as it's not homogenised. There's plenty of instructions on the Internet about making your own cheese.
The easiest method around can be done in just a few hours and the results will be infinitely better than most cheese you can buy in a store.
Using a good-quality fresh mozzarella or one you made yourself will bring your pizza to life. With such fresh ingredients all a really good pizza needs is a little basil and some fresh tomato sauce to make it into a flavour sensation, so it's worth spending the time to hunt down or make the perfect cheese for your pizza!
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