Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Children Love Cooking Banana Bread

If you want to drag your children away from the TV or computer then try cooking with them. They will love making the mixture and even better having the leftovers.

Obviously it can be a challenge to let your little ones help in your kitchen as the mess will probably be quite impressive but they'll enjoy the process and love the end product.

Your children will appreciate that food doesn't come in packets and takes time and effort to prepare. They will also learn patience and concentration as you help them prepare their masterpiece.

Banana bread is a great way of sneaking fruit into your kids diet as it has been popular for decades as it is not only good for them but tastes delicious as well.

The best thing about cooking at home is the delicious smells you generate as the food cooks, especially with banana bread. The first cut into the fresh baked loaf releases a truly delightful aroma.

The best bananas to use are already very ripe and soft. Often they skins will no longer be a vibrant yellow but much browner. You may have been temped to throw them away but for this recipe they are perfect. So you're also making the pennies go further.

You don't need many ingredients for banana bread, which is why it's great for children to do. You require

1 or 2 bananas, 4 oz flour, 2 eggs, vanilla essence, 1oz butter and a pinch of salt.

Put them into the bowl one by one and mix until smooth. Enjoy the messy process with your children. Pour the mixture into baking tins and cook for around 40 mins at 220 deg C. Then tip out and enjoy.

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