And Korean meals are usually based on rice and noodles and meat, vegetables and tofu (which is known as "dubu" in Korea). Is providing most of the meals with a variety of side dishes ("banchane"), as well as soups and steamed rice, and kimchi (fermented vegetables). Flavor is added using a variety of spices including ginger, garlic and red chili pepper paste ("gochujang"), and soy sauce, salt, fermented soybean paste ("doenjang").
Some popular Korean dishes include the following:
* Gamjatang - soup and pork on the basis of the spine and potatoes. And usually also includes other vegetables, green onions, chilies and sesame seeds.
* Maeuntang - hot and spicy fish soup.
* Jeongol - seafood, vegetables and soup.
* Pitchfork - thin slice rawfish, somewhat similar to Japanese sashimi. Usually in the retreat chili wasabi paste or red ("gochujang"), and served in the cellophane noodles ("dangmyeon").
* Ramyeon - pasta with meat and vegetables, like Japanese ramen noodles.
* Kongnamul - bap - Rice and soybean sprouts.
* Japchae - pasta with potatoes, beef, carrots, onions and spinach.
* Kalguksu - flat noodles in broth.
* Topped Yukhoe - beef with raw egg yolk, and seasonedwith garlic and green onions and a variety of spices.
* Bulgogi - cooked meat or seafood on the grill. Common types include chicken ("Dak bulgogi"), and pork ("dweji bulgogi"), and squid ("ojingeo bulgogi").
* Chalabi - the involvement of pork roast.
* Dakgalbi - grilled chicken.
* Makchang - grilled pig intestines (such as chitterlings).
* Samgyeopsal - grilled pork belly. Put steaks in lettuce with rice cooked hot paste ("ssamjang"). Associated with different peppers such as green onions, salad, or raw garlic decreased in ssamjang eaten with the dish.
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