Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

Chinese Chicken Wings Recipe

Chicken Wing is always one of the best dishes served in a gathering with friends or family. Chicken wings can be served as main dish or an appetizer, it depends on how you cook chicken wings. As a main dish, chicken wings are often cooked in a sauce, but as a starter, we prefer cooked chicken wings without too much sauce.

Here is a simple recipe chinese chicken wings, which is a perfect starter recipe. It takes about an hour to see the dish is ready, and it does not require any strong cooking skills or technology to cook food. And it requires only simple ingredients and sauces. You can dish ready for the party over time, even with tight schedules.

About 6 chicken wings
O 1 scallion
About 2 slices ginger
About 2 tablespoons soy sauce
About 2 tablespoons sugar
About 3 cups water
Pinch of MSG (optional)
about 1 tsp sesame oil

Wash the chicken wings and cut them into three parts each. Cook them in boiling water for 3 minutes, drain and set aside
Cut the scallions in 1 cm sections.
Heat the wok and add 1 teaspoon oil for cooking, stirring rose onions and ginger until they smell.
Add soy sauce, sugar, water, MSG and chicken, simmer over medium heat until chicken is cooked through and brown, and not a lot of water / juice left
Remove from the wok, throw scallions and ginger, sprinkle with sesame oil
About Ready to serve

This recipe will serve 3-4 people.

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